
Facts About Protecting Yourself from Everyday Radiation

The everyday electronics used in most American homes emit electromagnetic fields (EMF). EMF, a type of radiation, falls on the low end of radiation sources, alongside today’s electric power lines and AM/FM radio waves. Although it falls on the opposite end of the radiation range from radioactive waste and X-rays, taking precautions when using electronics can help keep people healthier.

Facts About Protecting Yourself from Everyday Radiation

What Emits EMFs?

EMFs emit from cellphones, Alexa, laptops, tablets, smart thermostats, Bluetooth headphones and speakers, and a wide array of other devices. Essentially, if it operates wirelessly or can do so, it emits EMFs. For example, if a person turns off the Wi-Fi on their laptop and plugs the computer into a hardline, such as a T1 connection, they’ve reduced the EMFs emitted. Likewise, a cellphone in airplane mode emits negligible EMFs.

Don’t Toss Your Electronics

Myths prevailing about EMFs scare people into thinking they’ll need to start living like Barnabas Collins, the vampire character in “Dark Shadows.” Collins resided in The Old House, which lacked electricity and phone service. People don’t have to ditch their electricity to remain safer; switch from traditional lightbulbs to LED bulbs and instantly reduce EMFs in your home.

Besides that simple switch, know that scientists throughout the world work on research every day to determine the effects of EMF radiation. Their research undergoes scrutiny by organizations like the World Health Organization (WHO), which sets guidelines for safe device designs and levels of recommended use. Using those guidelines and their own research, world nations develop legislation that sets standards for types of electronics and the maximum amount of EMF radiation each can emit.

Protecting Ourselves from Overexposure

EMFs occur naturally, too. In our modern age, humans have added many electronics that increased this type of radiation around us and the prevalence of devices that emit it. The Environmental Protection Agency recommends a three-step process to mitigate EMF exposure:

  • Time—Reduce the amount of time spent using devices that emit EMFs.
  • Distance—Increase the distance between yourself and the devices emitting EMFs.
  • Shielding—Use a barrier scientifically proven to protect humans from radiation.

Let’s consider some practical ways to use the Time, Distance, Shielding (TDS) method.


Reducing the time spent using a cell phone by even one hour per day reduces the EMFs a person gets exposed to daily. Use microwave ovens less frequently. Purchase a stovetop kettle for heating water instead of an electric one.


Place your cell phone, tablet, laptop, etc., in a room besides your bedroom to charge overnight. That distances you from its radiation. When you use a microwave oven, stand at least two feet away from it. In reference to EMF radiation, one foot of space makes a difference. Standing just four feet away from an electronic device can reduce how much of its emissions reach you to almost none. Put your cell phone on speaker mode and place it on a table a few feet away from you.


Shielding takes more forms than the heavy lead blankets laid on top of a person when they get an X-ray. Putting a cell phone in airplane mode reduces EMFs, shielding the person using it. Using a coherent converter, like those manufactured by Aires Tech, converts the incoherent EMFs to coherent ones more in tune with the human body. It provides a different kind of shield.

Improving Your Safety

Purchase high-quality electronic devices manufactured in accordance with U.S. standards. Use them wisely, practicing the TDS method. Consider using a modern shielding device for added protection.

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