
How to delete or unsubscribe a Netflix account ?

With the lot of competition, Netflix is ​​no longer the only recommended option when opting a subscription for streaming service. Amazon Prime Video, YouTube TV, Disney +, HBO, among others, have come to be totally viable alternatives to the service offered by Netflix. For this reason, many users choose to cancel the subscription and even delete the account to avoid receiving more offers.

Cancelling a Netflix subscription is a simple process that will not take you more than five minutes, after cancelling the subscription your account will be deleted after 10 months. At the moment there is no direct option to delete the account immediately after the subscription is cancelled, but it is possible to request the complete deletion of the account by sending an email to Netflix support. 

Cancel Netflix subscription

You can cancel your Netflix subscription at any time. If the renewal date has not yet arrived, your subscription will remain active until the date, despite cancelling the subscription. The steps to cancel your subscription are as follows:

  • Go to https://netflix.com/CancelPlan to cancel your plan.
  • Press the button ” Finish cancellation “.
  • From now on, your subscription will no longer be renewed on the date.

Permanently delete a Netflix account

Once the Netflix subscription is cancelled, you should wait for 10 months to complete elimination of the account. However, Netflix offers the possibility to request the deletion of the account at any time by writing an email to [email protected].

An email suggestion to request permanent deletion of your account might be as follows:

Hello, I request the deletion of my Netflix account, including all its content. I am aware that I will lose my favorites, my history, the user profiles of my account and other information related to my account. Thanks in advance.

Name and surname.

You can also use this method to delete a Netflix account that has not yet been completed, meaning that it has never had an active subscription.

Delete a profile within a Netflix account

If you do not want to delete your Netflix account or cancel your subscription and your intention is only to delete a user profile within the same account, fortunately you can do it with a few simple steps.

  1. Go to Manage profiles (https://www.netflix.com/profiles/manage ).
  2. Press the pencil icon located above the profile photo of the user you want to delete.
  3. Press the ” Delete profile ” button.
  4. Confirm that you want to delete said profile by pressing the ” Delete profile ” button again.

When deleting the profile, all the data on it will be deleted, including history, favorites, grades and activity, without the possibility of recovering them.

Reasons to delete a Netflix account

If deleting your Netflix account is just an idea that occurred to you, you may need an additional reason to do so. Get free netflix from compte netflix gratuit If you are still not convinced about deleting your account, here are the most common reasons why Netflix users cancel their accounts.

  • Insufficient catalog . With the arrival of new options, the Netflix catalog may fall short. Many interesting movies and series such as Game of Thrones are not available on Netflix due to the exclusivity that certain distribution companies have.
  • Price . The plan with the highest benefits can cost as much as $ 14, while the cheapest $ 8 plan may not have interesting benefits. This is one of the reasons most alleged by users who cancel their subscription.
  • Not using it enough . Lack of time to enjoy the entire Netflix catalog is another cause of account deletion.
  • Connection not suitable . Watching movies and series on Netflix requires a good internet connection, especially very stable to avoid cuts. If you have found yourself in the situation of not being able to use the service correctly due to poor connection, it may be a better idea to cancel your Netflix subscription.
  • Better options . As we mentioned at the beginning of the article, over time several alternatives to the Netflix services were born, even at better prices and with promotions for new users. It might not be a bad idea to try a Netflix alternative.