A lot of activities take place as the year is about to end and it may even leave you struggling financially a few months in the new year. But there are some circumstances we cannot avoid such as spoiling our loved ones with the finer things money can buy. As we are about to bid farewell to 2020, it is your responsibility to make the good times count. And the cakes are not an exception but a must-have on such occasions. Being smart with your money doesn’t mean you don’t have to buy a cake. With a recipe, ingredients, and bakeware, you can bake the cupcakes yourself. Or you will find a variety of delicious cakes online in Delhi among many other cities in India, at low price points. Continue reading as we share some ravishing new year cake ideas that are also pocket-friendly.
New year frosted cake
A frosted happy new year cake is just the right move to finish off the year, and beginning a new one with satiated taste buds can never be better than this. The cake is jam-packed with scrumptious cream coating the cake. So whatever piece you get has a bit of cream to make an interesting conversation on. You can customise the cake to your personal or the most favoured taste such as butterscotch, vanilla, and red velvet. And you can also play around with the shape and design to make that ideal cake you had in mind.
Smashing chocolate new year cake
Chocolate is one of the most favoured cake flavours. You will not go wrong with this type of cake. When one eats chocolate their mood is suddenly uplifted, making it the ideal cake for a happy new year. You can mix in chocolate in the cake and also use the remaining chocolate for decorating the cake. You can finish up the decoration by writing “It’s A Smashing New Year” and 2021, then sprinkle some caster sugar to add a flair. It also makes the cake more rigid such that if you want to bring the cake to a get together with your family and friends, it will still maintain its original shape. In addition to the chocolate flavour, you can also incorporate other cake flavours to aid on to the taste.
New year rosy cake
Another great idea is showing your creativity and artistry in designing the cake. The New Year Rosy Cake – as suggested by the name, make this coming year a rosy one. By drawing a rose over the cake with icing and the year 2021 all in matching red colour. If you have extra red frosting, you can circle the cake edges to make the cake look more stunning. But that alone does not look appealing; you can add the glittery cake design ingredients to make the cake look more appealing.
Happy new year cupcakes
Yet another brilliant idea is to make happy new year cupcakes. You can use different flavour for your cupcake batches for those that love a certain flavour and colour. When you are done with the bake you can now get on to designing the cupcakes, you can use different colours designs such as a 23:55 hr time, champagne bottle, and write happy new year quotes.
Closing up
You may have some of your loved ones staying in various parts of the country or some may like a certain cake flavour. This can be a challenging decision if you were to buy one large cake at once. With online cake shops, you can place cake orders of different flavours, designs, and sizes, and have them delivered to all your loved ones. You can choose cakes flavours such as chocolate, butterscotch, vanilla, red velvet, black forest, strawberry, and pineapple. You can also choose your cake sizes depending on the number of people, from as small as 0.5 kg to 4 kg or more depending on your requirements.